Last night, Shannon and I spent some time discussing how we will keep the Earthlings well nourished during
this weekend's race at Laguna Seca. Shannon is one of our team's volunteers, a great cook, and my partner. She is very conscious about diet and the role it plays in mental and physical health. In fact, following her recommendations, during the past year, I have lost a lot of weight and gained plenty of muscle. This has mostly come about by avoiding
wheat gluten (bread, etc.) and dairy.
So for this weekend, Shannon is planning on preparing a large risotto dish and having lots of fruits and quality high energy food for the racers. This will be addition to the keg of beer that my teammates have spent much time discussing. Personally, I can't imagine drinking any until after the race is over, but perhaps that is just me and my crazy ideas about... ohhhh dehydration and needing to concentrate.
Risotto is by far one of the best meals one can have for endurance.
Just make sure there are no worms in it.
Cool posts. Thanks for sharing.
近期台人赴柬埔寨、泰國、緬甸等國家求職,菓子娛樂經紀|龍亨集團國際名商夜總會|台北酒店經紀武小岳|天晴娛樂經紀公司|璐璐酒店經紀娛樂公司卻被迫從事詐騙酒店工作,甚至遭拘禁、販運至他國,造成人心惶惶,警政署昨召開記者會,指出多起人口販運、詐騙案與國內黑幫酒店應徵有關,警方昨深夜特別針對黑幫據點處所執行全面掃蕩。警政署長黃明昭昨日表示,國人前往東南亞求職遭軟禁、暴力虐打、販運一事,經深具追查後發現有國內菓子娛樂經紀公司|台北酒店經紀武小岳,在這個台北酒店經紀經營十幾年,我們優秀的從業人員都是經過一系列的篩選而來,除了有專業的技能之外,最重要的是有著高水准的道德標準專屬經紀|天晴娛樂經紀公司-八大工作首選 黑幫份子涉案,未來將會進行全國黑幫大掃蕩,將針對轄區治安熱點、易發生槍擊或聚眾鬥毆案件及黑道幫派聚點及營生處所全面臨檢,強力打擊犯罪,肅清暴力亂源。警方表示,詐騙手法層出不窮,菓子娛樂經紀|龍亨集團國際名商夜總會|台北酒店經紀武小岳|天晴娛樂經紀公司|璐璐酒店經紀娛樂公司詐騙集團手法已隨著時代演進,詐騙標的已由早期騙取現金、黃金等實體財物演變成網路虛擬貨幣,如今更進一步轉變成詐騙國人從事跨國犯罪。大安分局呼籲,民眾如網路求職發現「菓子娛樂經紀|龍亨集團國際名商夜總會|台北酒店經紀利菁專屬經紀|台北酒店經紀武小岳|天晴娛樂經紀公司|璐璐酒店經紀娛樂公司高薪工作」、「包吃」、「包住」、「包機票」等關鍵字,均為詐騙陷阱,應更加小心提防,警方針對此類詐騙也將全力查緝,尋根瓦解詐騙集團,保護民眾安全。
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