I converted one of my bikes to single speed late last year and have really dug this ride since. Riding single speed is something like having a wrestling match with your bike, especially on the hills. It can take everything you have to get to the top and it works every part of you, including your upper body.
My friends who don't ride SS wonder how it could possibly be fun. It is just one of those experiences you have to have before you comprehend. Pain is just part of it all. It isn't fun because it is easy, but because it more often difficult. Which reminds me of my favorite quote about riding a bike:
Cycling is like church
Many attend, but few understand
Taking the metaphor a bit further, riding a single speed is like leaving church and enlisting in a monastery. Yeah kinda like that. Sorta.
Why Single Speed? just... made it fixed :P
I was thinking that merely a fixie was not challenging enough. Perhaps a unicycle or penny farthing might be in order.
I'm with you on the singlespeed. totally love it, but no one else understands and think it just looks too hard!
2020.10.04【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因其實很多人~對酒店有些不了解與誤會~以為酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容會去酒店上班的女生是愛慕虛榮,其實就我們多年經驗,會入行真的都是有旁大的經濟壓力。酒店小姐酒店公關酒店上班到底都在做麼?酒店也許不是最佳的選擇 卻是賺錢最快的方式之一 (有頭髮誰願意當禿子!!)為什麼呢!!!
每個人的生長背景環境不同所選擇的生活方式也有不同 沒有什麼對錯~
當別人批評妳的工作時,除了批評以外真的對妳沒有任何實質幫助 妳還是得面對自己的困難和人生啊!!
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