There's still so much left to do. Dave and I are doing a night ride tonight to help prepare for Saturday. We each need to pack up all our individual stuff as well as coordinate who's bringing tools, bike stands, spare parts, medical supplies, food, and all those other little necessities. (Tasha will be posting a nice thorough list later tonight for anyone else heading to the race). We need to pick up our RV. We need to cram 7 people, all their stuff, and 8 bikes into it. Oh, and we need to drive there.

The drive isn't trivial. As a matter of fact, it's a bit ridiculous. Take a look at that map. We have to go all the way south through Las Vegas and back up into Utah to get there. Thanks a lot, Sierra Nevadas. I'd be a lot more upset if your beer wasn't so tasty. Google Maps estimates the drive to be about 1000 miles and almost 18 hours. Hopefully driving through the night we can cut it down to about 15 and make it to Moab early enough on Friday to preride the course.
See you soon, 24 Hours of Moab. We hit the road in less than 48.
Good luck to each of you. I'll be rooting virtually for team Google Earthlings from Arizona. Ride hard and have a great time in MOAB.
WTF? I thought Moab was near LA? Are you kidding me! Haven't you seen Road Rules 1 through 23, we're going to hate each other by the end of this drive.
Why stick to the interstate? You could take Hwy 120 through the mountains. Might take a little longer, but you'd drive slower and shorter (so probably use less gas), and it'd be more interesting scenery.
In any case, good luck!
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