Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Earth tent, we had a lot of fun. See you next year!
Check out Google Earth! It's free and you can probably see what your house looks like from space. Not cool enough? All you gear heads can load up the KMZ course map and get a leg up on the competition. And don't forget to read up on the particulars of our insanity.
hey, earth blog!!, i wanted to help and find a broken link at the top of your page, the link points to : http://http://earth.google.com and it is broken, cause the twice http.
my blog. http://radiohead2.blogspot.com
Yo! I rode this race, it was awesome! Thanks for being out there with the mapping stuff, it was neat to see. Whats this i hear about socks though? I really need socks and couldve used a pair. Could i get some of those? write back to smaxx.manimal@gmail.com I would pay shipping on a pair. Thanks much,
Wow nice!
Looks like fun!
This is really wild...
Google, Bikes, Sketchup... cute kids
Google waterbottles?? Where do we get those?!
What are sketch up socks.. and why don't I have any? ::laughing::
Great pics.. I'm inspired.. well, almost.
Very good blog. Wild and important.
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