Monday, April 30, 2007

Fried After Fruita

I will tell the tale of our trip to Fruita in reverse. After five mountain bike rides in three days, I decided to spend our last day away from the bike and enjoy the incredible terrain on foot. Shannon and I dropped into the Colorado National Monument on the Monument Canyon Trail.

This trek yielded some amazing scenery, as depicted in the photos here. We were rather fried after so many days in the sun and in the saddle, but the mind boggling scenery of this park made us forget about all that. Incredible natural beauty always melts away our myopic, self important views of the world.

Enormous red rock canyon walls surrounded us as we explored the life on the canyon floor (see green lizard) that inexplicably thrived in such an intense environment. It is always impressive to see how tenacious nature is in its ability to survive in crazy conditions. And to think that this poor lizard had neither Clif Bars or a Camelbak, let alone sunscreen.


梁爵 said...

一、酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容:像跟一群人去錢櫃好樂迪參加聯誼會那種形式,認識交際不同的人,一樣是跟客人單純的閒聊、喝 酒炒熱氣份,但只是變成工作,還有錢可以賺,不好的是因為吸毒而去做酒店,甚至賺錢去養男人這是最笨、最愚蠢的作法。我在酒店上班的日子酒店經紀〝俗稱經紀人〞我們常遇到的女孩子大部分都是單親媽媽要養小孩、要還父母的負債、要實現自己的目標、還有解決自己卡債問題等,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?這些並沒有什麼不好,人總是因為環境的因素不得已,你只要知道自己最終的目標是什麼就行。另外補充一點,小部分酒店是有做黑的沒錯,但不想做黑的也是大有人在,酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?賣笑不賣身應該有聽過還是可以把大把銀子賺進口袋。酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?常有女孩們因為報紙裡的高薪而吸引,卻不知道這家酒店的型態而付出更高的犧牲本身在這一行業也有一段時間,真的有像電影裡的故事情節發生,其實女孩們真的因為經濟上的需要而這樣的工作,除了心理要有充足的準備之外,還要先了解這家店的性質,才不會後悔莫及,許多的女孩子對酒店都有很多的不了解就誤入了這個行業,更扯的是有些女孩子被報紙上的小廣告所騙,九成九不是被騙財就是被騙色。

Anonymous said...
